Amager bryghus ‘envy’ IPA


imageCain is said to have murdered his brother out of envy. At Amager Bryghus we believe that murder is taking things a bit far. However, we admit to being envious because we weren’t the first brewer to come up with the beer style we admire the most: a crisp and hopped up West Coast IPA. We won’t kill anybody because we didn’t come up with the idea first, instead we present to you “Envy” – our take on this style. Humble – yet envious.
We’re not proud to be sinners, but at least we’re open about it… ”

What can we say, this is probably our favourite Danish craft beer brewery at the moment. Served in a shaker glass the translucent golden pour produces a tight filmy half inch of head that retains pretty well. Good lacing. Aroma boasts plenty of bitter citrus hops. Grapefruit, rye, lychee, passion fruit, pine and caramel mix together beautifully to offer a gorgeous aroma. Medium carbonation with a dry mouth feel. Medium bodied. Upfront we picked up big saliva sucking hops along with grapefruit. Bitter mid-palate with hints of resinous pine, malt and citrus is rounded off by a dry, bitter finish. 6.5% ABV is spot on for an IPA like this. Nice and crisp, big on bitterness and balanced by a decent malt profile. Another solid addition to this breweries ‘sinner series’.