Badlands brewery IPA


image“Not for the faint hearted – a true IPA. Big and brash in every direction – bitter, pungent fruity hop backbone but with the malt complexity and slightly higher alcohol to bring the package back into balance”.

We’re loving this micro-brewery from the western regions of NSW, it’s one we have certainly flagged to visit soon. Small, but it produces good quality craft beer. Served in an IPA glass the slightly hazy golden-orange pour whips up a 1 and a half finger off-white cap. Good head retention and lacing. Gorgeous, yet delicate aroma of pine, passion fruit, resin and slight hints of lychee, caramel and spice. No big hop-forward aroma’s just well balanced and smooth. In the mouth it feels slightly frothy with medium carbonation. Medium body. Palate is quite fruity upfront with an assertive hop bitterness. Grassy hops and caramel are detected in the mid while passion fruit and pine linger on the back palate nicely. Decent length. 5.2% ABV was a bit light on, we thought a bit more strength could have added that finishing touch this IPA needed. Other than that. Spot on. Really light and sessional. A good entry level IPA.