Tried this gun IPA at Jack Greene in Hobart Tasmania. Served into a standard schooner glass the slightly hazy copper-amber pour maintains a two finger beige head that settles to a thin cap over the top. Laced well. We already like this beer. Aroma is representing hop-forward aromas of citrus, grapefruit, candy sugar, pine, caramel and subtle spicy rye. Quite bold in the mouth with medium carbonation and vibrant body. The palate offers punchy hops upfront ,presenting well in the accompaniment of pine, grapefruit and rye. Caramel, roasted malt, candy sugar and a faint taste of booze (8% ABV) all work together to balance out this top notch DIPA. Good length on the back end, if you haven’t yet tried one of these do yourself a favour and get one. Brilliant stuff.