Brasserie DuPont Saison


1003084_160428714141282_1247814660_nWell if it’s a classic traditional-style Saison you’re after, you can’t surpass this one. Saison, meaning ‘season’ in English would be brewed in the winter months and aged until summer and consumed by farmers for the crisp and thirst quenching, zesty and citrusy flavours.

Served in a wide-rimmed tulip glass the pale straw yellow pour offers a slight haziness with high carbonation. The white 2 finger crown held stubbornly before reducing to a fine cover on top. Good head retention with healthy lacing that trails the beer down. The aroma is big on sweetness with candy-like/fairy floss notes. Hints of dough, subtle peppery spice, hay, lemon citrus and Belgian yeast add extra depth to the nose. Flavour isn’t all that different from the aroma with the highly carbonated, frothy mouth feel combining with Belgian yeasts and a muted bitterness. Hints of citrus, spice and fruit esters marry up really well with the slightly funky overall image of this beer. Nice dry finish with good duration. Not highly sessional but a very quaffable beer. 6.5% ABV is perfect and not at all overpowering at any stage. We can understand why this was the choice beer for the workers over the summer months – very crisp, zesty and highly refreshing. Overall a nice drop.