Poured from the typical short and stubby Belgian bottle into a tulip glass. The appearance displays a milky straw yellow with a fizzy 1 finger head that slowly collapsed to a persistent rim of foam around the side of the glass. The aroma is pleasantly sour initially but, with a little customising the complex yeasty additions of banana, clove and bubblegum begin to open up. Undertones of spicy hops, citrus rind, stone fruits and coriander give this aroma plenty of depth and character. The mouth feel comes across as quite chalky with medium-high carbonation. Herbal hops, citrus, fleshy pear/apple and spice upfront leading to a firmly sweet and a forward fruity mid-palate. The finish is quite creamy with hints of vanilla dominating the back end. Length may be slightly short. Only 4.8% ABV, which is quite low for this brewery but we believe it is because the Dorèe stems from traditional table beer or ‘Patersbier’ which was originally drank by Belgian Monks for lunch or religious celebrations (hence the low ABV). Really nice beer and as usual a little Belgian beer history with it. Nice, but nothing special.