Counter Culture ‘Holy Grain’ Honey Toasted Hazy IPA


Glassware: IPA.

Appearance: Bright golden complexion with little haze. It forms two fingers of fluffy and well retained head which goes the distance. A nice smattering of lace decorates the glass as it ebbs.

Aroma: For a rather light aroma there’s surprisingly good depth. It kicks off with a hint of hop oil and pine needle then it’s quickly chased by a mix of stonefruit and passionfruit, dried coconut, creamy oats, vanilla, wholemeal toast and semi sweet honey. Buried a little deeper are the hallmark hazy characters i.e frosty fruits, brekky juice/concentrate, paw paw, papaya etc. We haven’t been digging Sabro lately but we dig it here.

Flavour: Sweet and creamy upfront with the Sabro front and center. Coconut, vanilla, oat cream, sweet orange citrus and stonefruit. Toasted grains and subtle honey sweetness add an interesting, albeit subtle, element. Even more so when it meets the juicy and citrusy notes late in the piece. She really dries out in the finish and carries piney, citrusy and creamy notes for days.

Mouthfeel: Fluffy, creamy and aerated. Quite light on actually. Mild-medium body. 6.2% ABV is well positioned.

Overall: We can say with certainty that this new release blows Earl Of Swirl out of the water. It’s fun and well structured. Good beer.