Deep Creek Brewing Co ‘Lupulin Effect’ Red IPA


21559119_749985445185603_2096519906645118333_n“Cannabis and hops are closely related. Both come from the Cannabinaceae family. They do share some physical traits, such as appearance and similar aromas. However, they differ on the chemical level. Both produce terpenes; cannabis terpenes are psychoactive where hops terpenes are purely for flavour, aroma and bitterness. Hops have been shown to help in relaxation, called the lupulin effect when consumed at moderate levels.”

Served in an IPA glass. We’re met with a reasonably clear amber hue that offers a soft copper tint. The creamy head swells to about a thumb before retracting to a thin sheet. Very healthy lace work following it down.
Smells fresh and very hoppy. LotsĀ of luscious green leaves, pine, mango, paw paw, pineapple and a fair whack of booze. The malt profile is sweet, a little syrupy and caramelised. Getting this subtle scent of red peppers coming through too. Interesting touch. Not a bad aroma we must say.
Taste is following the nose. Seeing those hops just dominate the malts a bit. Getting a burst of citrus upfront but it’s certainly adjusted by the sweet caramel malts. The booze goes a little unchecked through the mid and gets intensified by a sharp citric bitterness which leads to a firm and warming finish.
Medium body with a creamy texture that coats the palate. The 7% ABV overplays its hand and the bitterness is quite aggressive. Slightly unbalanced.
We’ve been a little disappointed with this brewery to be honest. The artwork on their cans is very eye catching but the beer itself isn’t bringing it home for us. The balance isn’t quite right and the alcohol shows through a bit too much for our liking. Not a bad drop, just a tad rough around the edges.