“Knappstein is an award-winning winery and fully-functioning micro-brewery steeped in the traditions of the Clare Valley in South Australia, one of Australia’s longest established wine regions.”
Served in a shaker glass the transparent golden pour generates a tightly compacted white head that doesn’t take too long to shrink down a very fine dusting on top. Laced poorly. These brewers (and winemakers too) seem to take a lot of pride out of their craft and their region and it shows on the bottle. It also states that they use (Nelson) ‘Sauvin’ hops, and we’d be confident that they’re the reason why we’re detecting this dominant white grape aroma. Along with the super refreshing waft of lime juice come undertones of biscuity pale malts, stone fruits (peach, nectarine, apricot) and lemongrass. Smells delicious! In the mouth it feels silky smooth with moderate carbonation. Medium bodied. The palate initiates with a mild hop bitterness that endures all the way through to the finish. Light fruity notes develop late in the fore-flavour and take on a more tart approach through the mid. The finish is grassy and a little herbal with a nice alcohol (5.6% ABV) warmth on the back end. Great legs. We really dig what the brewers are doing here, obviously they’re good winemakers and the fusion of wine and beer in this brew has been executed brilliantly. This, we’d have to say is up there with some of the best Australian lagers we’ve ever drunk. Excellent offering.