Well, winter in 2014 is fast approaching so we thought we would mark the occasion with a rich and hearty Barley wine.
Served in a tulip glass the deep copper red pour produced a big bubbly 2 and a half finger head that retained very well, omitting a tonne of lacing as we imbibe. The aroma is a complex and astringent array of dank alcohol, dates/prunes, sherry, plum, jaffa and residual sugars. Slightly musty with plenty of sweet and bready malts that adds some extra depth to an already powerful aroma. Medium carbonation with a slightly acidic mouth feel. Initially an astringent mix of stinging alcohol, fortified wine and canned fruits invades the taste buds. A suggestion of grain develops late before a sweet and sugary mid-palate is finished off by a sharp, dry finish with a lingering hint of fleshy fruit sweetness on the back end. 10.4% ABV is well evident but compliments this beer’s complexity. Wow, far from a sessional beer but definitely 100% quaffable. If we were to sum up a really good barley wine it would be this. Hats off to these guys, we aren’t big fans of barley wine but you have the thumbs up from us. This would be a perfect winter warmer that would pair well with medium strength cheeses like smoked cheddar, gruyere and edam. Really nice brew.