“Murray’s Angry Man Brown Ale is a beer with bite that is deceptively drinkable. Strong, uncompromising flavour it is a BIG Brown Ale – bitter up front and smooth at the finish. Strong hop flavour and aroma and a little bit chocolaty. Beautiful dark ruby red when held up to the light, but solid dark brown in the shade”.
This is the darker, richer brother of the angry man pale ale. Served in a shaker glass the dark brown, almost cola-like pour constructs a tightly held 2 finger off white cap which maintains nicely. Laced well. The nose is producing an earthy aroma of roasted malt, nuts, caramel, chocolate and a suggestion of coffee. There is a subtle yet herbal hop aroma creeping in here too, similar to tea leaf. Quite heavily weighted, almost stout-like mouth feel. Mildly carbonated with full body. A nice touch of warming booze, some light malt sweetness and a mild hop dryness come through initially. The more decadent flavours of chocolate and coffee are formed through the mid-palate leading to the earthy, roasted finish. A lovely nuttiness on the back end of this quality American style brown ale really rounds it off well, displaying excellent length at the same time. 6.5% ABV is a little on the higher end for a brown ale but it’s perfectly balanced between the hop bitterness and roasty malts. Wow, top notch brew. Big ups Muzza!