This latest edition is a collaboration between famed Sierra nevada brewery and the Monks of the abbey of New clairvaux. Tripels were first created by the belgian monks. We are particularly interested in the flavour profile of this brew, as Sierra Nevada have just recently been placed 3rd in America’s top breweries by the Brewers Association. Firstly we love the old champagne style bottle with the use of cork. Let’s taste!
Poured into a shaker glass as there are no belgian glasses on hand, there is an audible pop as the cork comes out. Lovely champagne style aroma. Pours a golden ale colour with a 20mm thick rigid foam head that retains beautifully. Lots of little carbonated bubble intermixed with bigger bubble. First sip reveals decent booze, with the addition of bready dough, banana, and clove. A good swish around the mouth elicits an alcohol wash over the palate. This brew is sitting at 8.8% so we can understand why. There is mild bitterness here and as you drink we get the impression that this is a pretty smooth drop because the back palate is well balanced. Decent Belgian yeast dominates with sweet malt and sourdough all the way down. Can get glimpses of the famed Sierra nevada malt backbone. Medium body here with mild carbonation on tongue. Definately a drinkable and enjoyable Tripel. Nothing overtly flashy, just true to style.