Interesting beers these. Supposedly this brewery only brews saisons and going off their last beer (A Saison Darkly) they do it very well with a stack of character and complexity.
Served in a wide-rimmed tulip glass this one pours a dark brown almost black with deep copper red hues that are revealed when held to the light. The dense off white head rises up to about 2 fingers before gradually reducing to a well retained 5mm cap. Healthy lace. The aroma is earthy and quite rich. A mixed bag of toasted bread, spice, dark fruits, roasted malts, some chocolate and a faint whiff of alcohol make it up. The mouth feel is really smooth for a dark beer. Medium carbonation and body. Following the aroma, the flavour is also quite earthy and slightly complex upfront with subtle dark fruity esters, roasted malt, and some funky Belgian yeast coming through. Maybe a slight hint of caramel sweetness through the mid leading to a slight roasty finish with a touch of lingering espresso-like bitterness on the back end. Also a slight alcohol warmth throughout as well (7.4% ABV). It’s a real testament to this brewery that this is the 2nd saison we have tried from them and both of them are extremely complex and packed full of flavour and character. Not to mention the fact that they’re both quite untrue to style but highly palatable. Another decent offering.