To OL translated from Danish to English means ‘two beers’ and back in 2005 these two schoolboy fella’s (head brewers Tobias and Tore) couldn’t have had any one better to mentor them…..none other than their teacher, Mikkel Bjergso from the world famous Mikkeller brewery. Here we have another entry to the huge range of quality craft beers to come out of this brilliant Danish brewery.
Served in a tulip glass the murky light brown pour almost resembles dirty dish water. The 1 finger off white head retains quite well leaving some spotted lace trails clinging to our glass. The aroma is giving off a plethora of characters, mainly boozy and syrupy overtones are initially picked up but wafts of spice, caramel, prunes, brown sugar, port, raisin and dark fruit esters are also here to be enjoyed. In the mouth it feels quite creamy with low carbonation. Full bodied. Upfront it reminds us of a huge alcoholic fruit cake. Residual sugars, Belgian yeast, dates and spice greet the palate initially. A firm alcohol warmth is quite evident from beginning to finish and carries through the mid-palate and finishes with rich and complex flavours including raisin, toffee and port. A really astringent and syrupy quad but that’s exactly what we were after. 11.2% ABV assures that this beer is a one off and it should stay like that. Complex, rich and sweet. Beautiful representation of a quadrupel. These blokes definitely know how to brew a delicious beer.