Baron’s Black Wattleseed Ale


“The resulting beer delivers a wealth of flavour that you can’t deny. This multi-award winning wattle seed ale has a rich flavour base of caramel with a hint of chocolate. The smooth malt flavours are lightly hopped and then infused with roasted wattle seed, bringing a unique and authentic Australian flavour. The result is an outstanding ale that boasts a smooth taste profile balancing its robust character, an ultimately rewarding yet distinctive beer.”

Glassware: English Pint.

Appearance: Pours a lovely burnished amber colour with a wispy tan overlay. The head reduces quickly and forms a collar with scarce spotty lacing on the glass.

Aroma: This is a re-post as we first reviewed this beer way back in early 2013. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw that it had been re-released in a can. Not much seems to have changed either which is excellent. It still provides a conventional Amber Ale base – nutty malts, caramel/toffee, butterscotch and fleeting hints of maple. The wattleseed is very delicate but does yield a bit of roast and mild smoky notes.

Flavour: Man, that’s as good as we remember it being when we first tried it about 20 years ago. Delicious caramel and nutty malts flowing through then that soft roasty element from the wattleseed adding a bit of smoke and char on the edges. The hops do a magnificent job of drying it out and countering the malt sweetness as well. Nice and nutty finish with the hops providing the balance.

Mouthfeel: Slick, chewy and gelatinous. Medium body and the 5.2% ABV is bang on for the style.

Overall: Wow what a blast from the past! Was not expecting to walk into the bottlo and see this on the shelves. The best thing is that it’s practically unchanged from the recipe decades ago. Nostalgia at its finest.