Beer Fontaine ‘Spring Seasonal’ Saison


“A crisp beer brewed in a traditional style, fermented in large egg shaped fermenters letting the yeast develop a distinct & unique flavour profile. The vibrant citrus & floral notes pair perfectly with a cheese plate or shellfish.”

Glassware: Teku.

Appearance: Light straw golden pour with a moderate haze. It constructs a humongous four finger head which gradually recedes. Thick blotchy lace clings to the glass as it subsides.

Aroma: Jeez on first acquaintance one could be excused for thinking they had a Wildflower or La Sirene in their glass. This smells top shelf! Super earthy and bretty with strong barnyard funk, pot pourri florals, lemon/lime juice/rind, peppery spice and bubblegum. Big impressions of hay and straw, bush honey, Angostura bitters, five spice/clove and aniseed. Some light estery orchard fruits knocking about as well. Love it!

Flavour: Not as well structured or as streamlined as the aroma but it still offers a damn fine amount of earthy barnyard funk, wheat grains, hay/straw, semi sweet honey and slightly tart and tangy lemon, lime and rind. Quite floral too. Definitely hits a dry and spicy note midway with a flutter of orchard fruits peeking through. Nice crisp finish with lingering citrus and dry peppery spice on the back end.

Mouthfeel: Fairly light and flaky. Very effervescent. Moderately bodied and the 6% ABV slots in nicely.

Overall: A very nicely composed offering. As we’ve said already these guys bat well above their average. Some Saison’s we get from well established breweries are junk and these guys are only just starting out and it seems like they’ve been brewing Saison’s for decades. Keep em coming!