Brash beer ‘droogs’ IPA


imageAgain we’re back with another Brash beer, it’s just impossible not to walk past one of these beers and not notice it on the shelves. Great artwork. Poured into an IPA glass the slightly hazy golden orange pour produces a tight, frothy 2 finger white crown that retains and laces well, leaving thick blotches of foam down the glass. Aroma is big on bitter hops and fruit with grapefruit being the dominant fragrance. Undertones of candy, resins, lychee, lime and passion fruit are absolutely gorgeous to take in. Mild-medium carbonation with a chalky mouth feel. There’s a delayed bitterness on the tongue upfront with a big punch of citric grapefruit that works in. Resinous pine and a hint of orange in the mid-palate are rounded off by a spicy, bitter finish. 7% ABV. We feel this IPA was slightly out balanced. As you would expect there are the big hoppy, citric characters but the balance between it and the malt was missing. Good IPA, but doesn’t stack up against the best.