Brooklyn brewery American amber lager


image“In the late 1800’s Brooklyn was one of the largest brewing centers in the country, home to more than 45 breweries. Lager beer in the “Vienna” style was one of the local favorites”.

Served in a shaker glass the translucent golden/amber pour produced a short white head that held quite well, eventually settling to a ring with reasonable lacing. Off the aroma we picked up a subtle foreign acidity. The main fragrances on offer were grains, caramelly/biscuity malts, toffee notes, marmalade and citrus. Surprisingly aromatic for a lager. We also detected a soft herbal presence in here too. Good depth. In the mouth a nice hoppy bitterness was evident while medium carbonation compliments a round mouth feel. Initially a mild bitterness mellows off in to a grainy mid-palate with hints of cereal and citrus showing up late. A refreshing herbal finish with a touch of citrus caps off a pretty impressive beer. The 5.2% ABV is slightly higher than most lagers but adds extra body to it’s already high drinkability. Big ups to Brooklyn brewery for this delicious take on a Vienna lager. We really enjoyed it.