Tempo Beer ‘Goldstar’ Vienna lager


image“Israel’s most beloved and best selling beer. Red lager (in bottom fermentation) with a unique taste and aroma. Goldstar is based on a recipe dating back over 60 years from a mixture of hops to give clear and roasted taste in a traditional process which gives her the deep flavor. 4.9% alcohol.”

This is our first crack at an Israeli beer. Served in a shaker glass it pours a dark gold with copper highlights. Capping it off is a short white head that gradually deconstructs to a light dusting on top. Minimal lacing. A twirl of the glass produces a doughy, earthy aroma. Also wafts of raw nuts, corn flakes and caramel come through. Mild-medium carbonation and a silky mouth feel. Medium body. The fore-flavour is slightly metallic but it’s followed by more complex flavours of toasted bread, caramel, dark fruits and a biscuity malt on the back palate. Slightly abrupt finish with a hint of malt sweetness. The 4.9% ABV works well with the beer overall. All up, it wasn’t a bad drop but it’s nothing memorable.