“Here at Mikkeller we love IPA, we love hops and in particular we love Single Hop IPA. Single Hop provides you with a unique opportunity to taste the different hop varieties isolated. All 15 beers in this series have an IBU of 100. This series is constantly growing with the emergence of new exciting hops on the market.”
Interesting little project Mikkeller have got going on here. This beer is 1 (Simcoe hop) in a series of 15 single hop beers showcasing a certain variety of hop in each beer. Poured into an IPA glass the appearance displays a deep copper orange, constructing two and a half fingers of beige foam with good head retention and lacing. The Simcoe hop bill is mainly citrus-driven with hints of grapefruit, musk, apricot and pine. Cara-malts are offering a little balance with hints of chewy caramel. Medium carbonation with a full, dry mouth feel. Quite astringent upfront with the aggressive hops marrying up with bitter citrus flavours of mainly grapefruit and orange peel. Slight booze, citrus rind and hints of oak over the malt base are present from the mid-palate through to the woody finish. Good length. 6.8% ABV offers a little bite but it’s never overpowering. Great beer, these Danish maestro’s have struck again.