Moa ‘Special Edition’ Rum Barrel Quadrupel


imageOver the years there has been a really respectable progression from this brewery. Beginning with simple beers such as the blanc and the pilsner. The creative flare started to shine through with brews such as the white IPA and the imperial stout. Which leads us to this brand new release of complex, special addition beers such as this rum barrel aged quad and the sauvignon Tripel (Which we will be reviewing soon).

Loving the cage and cork. Very regal. Once it was uncorked we served it in to a beer tulip. Our eyes fix upon this deep tawny/mahogany pour. Gorgeous ruby red hues are highlighted when held against the light. On top sits a tightly held and compacted cappuccino head that maintains well, omitting wavy lacing as we imbibe. This aroma is something that has to be experienced to believe. Absolutely amazing complexity and depth on offer as a firm bretty sourness is the first to excite the olfactory’s. Coming through strongly behind are firm wafts of oak, vanilla and dank cellar room. There is a certain dark fruity element to it too which kind of resembles red wine. Rum does creep in but it also has a slight raisiny, date-like character to it. Wow, this is the first quad of this kind. In the mouth it has a smooth texture with an outrageous sourness that forces the taste buds to produce extra saliva. Nothing unapproachable happening, it’s just sour, very sour. Moderately bodied. Upfront there is an explosion of lemony/bretty sourness on the tongue. Some muted flavours of vanilla and oak try to push through as it moves forward through the mid. As we near the finish the sourness finally eases up and allows a hint of rum to come through before it finishes dry and fruity. Thank heavens for a bit of duration as the dank, oaky and raisiny flavours finally come out. 9.3% ABV was actually quite well hidden. Well, if we were drinking a wild ale or a sour we’d be loving life, but considering this is a quadrupel we don’t know what to think. This heavy brettanomyces-ridden quad isn’t what we wanted. Very disappointing. Far from the quality this brewery normally produces.