Prancing Pony Brewery ‘Copper Ale’ English IPA


12373332_458919557625528_6974601061935672769_n“This Ale is based on ‘English style India Pale Ale’ according to the British Ale Style Guide. Copper coloured and with a mild carbonation, this ale is a flavour adventure. This ale has assertive and lingering hop bitterness. Invitingly malty, nicely balanced with adventurous hop characters of apricot, lemon, seville orange marmalade, magnolia, and a bit of woody herbals along with citrus notes. Complete with a nice dry finish. This Thoroughbred goes well with shellfish, chicken and Mexican cuisine; also great with light cheese such as brie or camembert.”

Poured from a 500ml bottle into an IPA glass. As the name of the brew aptly suggests, it pours a hazy copper hue with a fluffy three finger crown forming over the top. The head steadily dissipates but retains a thick 1cm blanket that sheds some healthy lace trails as we imbibe. The nose is definitely displaying a slight complexity. We get hints of earthy/woody malts, floral hops, stone fruits, a touch of citrus and an undertone of roasted nuts. Maybe a little grapefruit and fresh herbs peeking through too. We’re also detecting a caramel note as well, which is emerging as the beer begins to warm. Plenty of character in aroma, it all fuses together really well. A little light on in the mouth with an assertive bitterness that kicks in midway. Slightly thin and watery in texture with a delicate dryness from the hops. Mildly carbonated. Upfront we’re getting earthy malts, woody notes, herbs and a prickly citrus tone cutting through, effectively balancing it out. Hints of lemon combines with the hippy bitterness which crescendos through the mid and leads in to a dry finish with lingering hints of orange and peppery spice on the rear palate. Good duration. When we’re drinking an English IPA we constantly have to fight off the yearning for extreme, fruity and citric hops. Yep, we’re American IPA lovers but the humble old English IPA brings not only the foundations of the style but a traditional and much more malt-driven beer to the table. Not a bad interpretation of that here. Approachable and somewhat sessional. Not bad at all.