Rogue farms honey kolsch


image“Situated just across from 40 acres of Rogue hops, 7,140,289 Rogue Farms bees are carefully kept and fed and the honey is uncapped, extracted, filtered and finally infused into a refreshing Honey Kolsch Ale”.

We like where Rogue is going with these new hyper-coloured bottles. Very eye catching. This release pours from a unique yellow bottle and offers up this slightly cloudy straw golden pour with a roughly 2 finger snow white head which maintains nicely. Gradually reducing to a firm layer over the top. Laced reasonably well. The nose is providing a subtle herbal hop aroma with undertones of honey sweetness, lemon citrus, husky grains, light florals and cereal malts. Soft on the nose but there is certainly some nice fragrances coming forward. Medium carbonation and body. Palate is very light on and super sessional. With mild biscuity/cerealy malts and moderately bitter hops upfront, suggestions of crisp, grassy hops and honey sweetness develop through the mid and linger delicately on the back end. Length was OK for it’s light body. 4.8% ABV is perfect for this beer. We could easily sit on this beer for a long afternoon session although the price would surely force us to think twice. Really clean and refreshing drop this one. Not bad at all.