Sierra Nevada ‘beer camp’ IPA


image“This IPA sacrifices nothing for its drinkability, flexing big time flavor and complexity. The light color disguises the depth of the malt backbone, a pillar that balances the potent whole-cones of the piney-citrus Cascade and tropical fruit-like Citra hops”.

Hmmm, yum. There are plenty of IPAs out on the market at the moment but this brewery, along with 8 wired and a few others continue to produce world class beer. This 2013 installment to the beer camp series was poured into an IPA glass with a creamy two finger head which produces a clear, light pour which is interesting but appealing to look at. It has a resinous pine driven nose, thanks to cascade hops, with some fruity Citra hops that add aromas of grapefruit, mango and peach. A decent biscuity malt backing does provide a mild balance. Mouth feel is smooth with a subtle creamy texture. Medium carbonation and body. Well balanced upfront with a mildly assertive bitterness that pairs up with bitter grapefruit notes. Caramel malts subdue the bitterness to create a harmony in the mouth. This IPA is 6.9% ABV and it fits, there are no harsh bitters at the tail-end of the sip. To steal a line from uncle Ron..” It’s just refreshing”. Here here. Very drinkable, highly enjoyable IPA.