This IPA from the de Eem brewery in the Netherlands is an interesting one. We can’t understand the label but we think its been brewed by 5 women. It certainly draws you in with those “come to bed” eyes. Has lovely pine and citrus hops on the nose and it pours a light gold colour with a massive head like a Belgian. This head maintains itself quite well. The first sip yields very little carbonation at all…like a typical English ale. We thought maybe this brew was beyond its use by date, as most IPAs have a bit more grunt than this. In saying this, it is nice and smooth though on the palate. Flavours of peach, yeast, bit of caramel, grains or cereal. There is a mild to moderate malt backbone here. The IBU rates at 40 but it seems milder, as there is no real grab at the tongue or mouth as you swill it around the mouth. There is a peppery hit from the hops on the back palate which we so like. At 6.2% it’s enjoyable and you could readily imbibe a few of these in a row due to the mildness of the brew. An ok only IPA.