Banks ‘Pastryball’ Imperial Pastry Stout


“PASTRYBALL pays homage to one of the most underated & miss understood whiskeys of our time. The almighty Fireball. The perfect sipper of a big beer or if you are feeling adventurous an epic Boilermaker when paired with a nip of Fireball which we suggest best consumed on the rocks & savoured.”

Glassware: Snifter.

Appearance: Pitch black with a thumb of finely beaded brown foam nestled in on top. Good retention and an intricate lace is woven down the sides of the glass.

Aroma: One of us is an avid Fireball lover so this was an instant purchase. The fact that Banks took on this task makes it even more appealing. Ok, the first whiff is good…getting strong cinnamon, biscoff, gingerbread, vanilla, milk chocolate and other spices like nutmeg and star anise. More subtle hints of banana runts, roasted jalapeno and licorice. Some serious depth to this.

Flavour: We’ve been waiting for well over a week to try this and in the end the flavour profile misses the mark. Such a shame as it was shaping up to be epic. It’s pretty darn smooth for its size so it ain’t all bad. It’s just lacking intensity and depth which is unfortunate as the aroma had both in spades. Cinnamon, biscoff, vanilla and some heat from the booze in the finish.

Mouthfeel: Medium-full body with a kinda oily texture. Low-ish Co2. The 12% ABV was well behaved for its size.

Overall: It was a bit of a let down in the end which we’re proper spewing about. The flavour profile was the culprit…it just didn’t come together as we’d hoped. Oh well, we’re off to spike the remainder in our glasses with real Fireball.