Category Archives: Kolsch

Jindabyne Brewing ‘Frothin Hoff’ Kölsch



Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: A light honey-yellow pour is capped off by a finger of off white head. Good retention and a sheet of lace is left in its wake.

Aroma: Kinda nice and subtle floral and spicy notes leading out. A rather sweet and slightly rich malt structure at its core. Definitely getting some vegetal scents from it. A touch of starchy potato and parsnip, unripened pear and a certain earthiness. Not the most conventional set of aromas for a Kölsch but we’ll come along for the ride.

Flavour: Hhmm there’s something not quite right. Maybe it’s the overly sweet malt it has going on (we also picked this up on the nose too). That component paired with the earthiness and vegetal notes are clashing a bit. Still, the spicy and floral hops do a decent job pulling it into line. A delicate bitterness also kicks up midway then rolls into a fairly clean and tidy finish.

Mouthfeel: Still has some crispness although it’s quite chewy for the style. Nicely carbed, moderate-medium body and the 4.6% ABV is on par.

Overall: Not Jindy’s finest offering that’s for sure. Usually everything they touch turns to gold. The malt bill was a bit too rich and it all struggled to come together. Pretty average for their standards.

Slow Lane ‘Stanger Danger’ Kolsch


“Kolsch is a light, dry and hoppy ale originating from the German city of Cologne. A true Kolsch is required to be brewed according to rules within the Kolsch Konvention. These rules include that it’s brewed within 50km of Cologne, filtered and served in a 200mL cylindrical glass called a Stange. This is our version brewed 16,575km from Cologne, unfiltered and more than likely not served in a Stange.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: It would have poured a gorgeous clear and bright golden colour if not for all of the suspended sediment. It forms a short white head which settles at the rim. Minimal lace as we go.

Aroma: Honestly it’s unlike any Kölsch we’ve had before. The classic florals and spicy hop profile synonymous with old world German beers are here but it has a distinct fruity tartness to it that almost comes off as sour. Very delicate honey and umami rice crackers here and there, some light cereal grains. Very unique…we’re still on the fence though.

Flavour: That tart/sourness on the aroma has all but disappeared. Now we’re tasting the true conventional Kölsch qualities of white bread crusts, spice, light florals, soft honey sweetness and savoury rice crackers. Getting a hint of raw almond/hazelnut and herbals through the mid leading into a clean and dry finish.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, dry and light on. Perfectly carbed and the 5% ABV is right on the money.

Overall: It’s like we went through the 5 stages of denial in one review! We went from dislike to serious dislike then to thinking it was OK and now we’re digging it haha. Respect.

Westside Ale Works German Kölsch


“A traditional German Kolsch ale brewed in accordance with the Reinheitsgebot. With an American twist of a little rye malt and pairing of American hops alongside German Noble hops. A clean dry finish ready to be your new favourite.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Pale golden pour with a mild hop haze. It forms a short fizzy head which breaks up fairly quickly. Scarce lace work on the glass as we go.

Aroma: It certainly comes off as a traditional Kölsch – nice and crisp, a semi sweet biscuity/honey malt profile and rounded out with old world grassy and herbal hops. Just the slightest hint of yeast esters poking through too…light banana and spice, maybe the faintest touch of bubblegum. Pretty decent aroma. Diggin it.

Flavour: Drinks pretty well. It’s refreshing but it also provides a good amount of body. It’s displaying more of an earthy note here with the grassy and herbal hops in support. The addition of rye is very subtle and comes through as more estery than anything as it punctuates with an earthy dryness which drags out nicely.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, fairly clean and dry. Mild-medium body with a well positioned 5% ABV.

Overall: Not a bad crack at this German classic. The description (which could’ve been articulated better by a 5th grader) says there are American hops used but we get absolutely zilch. It’s just a straight up and down traditional Kölsch that’s super approachable.

Sailors Grave ‘Leviathan’ Kölsch


“A modern twist on a classic favourite. Lean, clean malt profile with aromas of bread crust, mountain wildflower and hay. hopped with Saaz and Motueka.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Light pale golden pour with a finger of white foam capping it off. The head gradually peels off and a healthy lace trails it down.

Aroma: Digging the crisp and super clean nature of it. On the surface it gives every indication that it’s a traditional Kölsch with the floral, herbaceous and earthy notes it’s suggesting. It’s not until we dig our noses in deep that we find subtle hints of citrus peel and zesty lime. The malt bill is incredibly clean and bready. Good vibes.

Flavour: The crisp and clean nature of the beer carries over nicely. Neatly trimmed Noble hop notes of earthy herbs, mildew and soft florals mingle with the dry, crusty malts and the result is this uber-sessional neck oil with impeccable balance and simplicity. The finish is perfectly rounded and it draws out nicely on the back end.

Mouthfeel: Clean, crisp and delicate. There’s a lovely effervescence which lifts it up. Light-moderate body and the 5% ABV is right on the money.

Overall: We must admit we’re not typically swayed by this mob but they’ve absolutely nailed this. It’s like the perfect BBQ beer…ultra crushable but full flavoured. Kudos, Sailors Grave!

Brewdog X Früh ‘King Kölsch’


“Founded by Peter Joseph Früh in 1904, Früh are a historic brewery based in Cologne, Germany which is known for producing the beer of the region: Kölsch. The Kölsch style is protected by law, so only beers brewed around the city can bear the name. Luckily for us, that’s exactly where we brewed our collaboration beer: King Kölsch. The style is unique as it uses top fermenting yeast (commonly used in ales), but is then lagered at low temperatures like you would a Helles or Pilsner.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Pours a strikingly bright golden hue with 100% clarity. The head swells to about three to four fingers before it slowly retracts and settles to a thick overlay. Excellent lace work on the glass too.

Aroma: Super light and grainy. Some floral aspects along with peppery spice and fresh cut grass. The ale yeast provides this extra chewiness plus a hint of dried bread crusts and cereal grains coming through. We really love the hybrid nature of this style…it makes for fun and interesting aromas.

Flavour: Not many styles can quench a thirst on a scorching hot summers day like a German Kölsch can. It’s light, grainy, floral, spicy and herbaceous but with a distinctly fuller body than its lager-based counterparts. A soft bitterness through the mid carries the grainy and spicy notes into the well drawn out finish.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, dry and clean with light-moderate body. Perfectly carbed. The 5.2% ABV is right on par for a traditional Kölsch.

Overall: Well we’re not surprised by the high quality of this…Brewdog and Früh together are an epic combination. It flies very close to Früh’s OG recipe which, in our opinion, is one of the best iterations in the world anyway. Superb.

Foghorn ‘Hunter Classic” Kölsch


“Refreshing lager-like drinkability with the complexity and character of an ale? That’s Hunter Classic. Inspired by the cold fermented Kölsch style ales of Germany, this multi award winning brew belongs 100% to the Hunter. A Trophy winning recipe perfected over 20 years of brewing. Enjoy a Classic.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Hits the glass with a pale gold complexion and good Co2 activity. It forms a big three finger head which peels off rather quickly. Some spotty lace here and there, that’s about it.

Aroma: Not many other beers can beat a crisp, lightly hopped and refreshing Kölsch on a 30+ degree afternoon so it’s safe to say we’re digging this already. Loving the initial grainy malts, they combine beautifully with the modest hop profile. We get slightly buttery biscuits, estery orchard fruits, starchy veggies like potato and parsnip, rice crackers, soft spicy notes and florals. A flutter of honey here as well. Solid.

Flavour: Pretty similar to the nose with its dominant hay and wheaty grain bill. Soft esters, subtle woody notes and semi sweet honey in support. Hits a bit of a tangy note midway then shifts into a more savoury rice cracker-like character late in the piece. Noble hops own the finish with its herbaceous, grassy and spicy notes. Good duration on it too.

Mouthfeel: As expected – crisp, light on, clean and perfectly weighted. Just a nice subtle sparkle to the Co2 and the 4.5% ABV is tucked away nicely.

Overall: We had to make this a quick review as this was going down the gullet waaayyyy too easily. Should have got a 4 pack between us! Put simply, this is the epitome of a summer session beer. Top notch.

Burnley Brewing Kolsch


“Kölsch is a German beer style that originated in Cologne (Köln). It is fermented at warm temperatures with top-fermenting yeast, then conditioned at cold temperatures. It is the same brewing process used by Düsseldorf’s altbier.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Lively and bright golden complexion with full transparency. It forms a loosely packed head which swells to about 1cm before it quickly dispersed. Scarce lacing as we imbibe.

Aroma: All the Cold IPA lovers out there should get on to the humble old Kölsch. This bad boy is the OG when it comes to cold fermented ales. Smells nice and clean, crisp and refreshing yet still possesses that slightly chewy quality we get from the ale yeast. Also picking up delicate hints of earthy hay/straw, grass, pear/apple, florals and pot pourri, really subtle citrus, bready malts and crackers. Getting a mild vegetal note out of it too.

Flavour: The earthy-ness is really dominant on the palate. Tonnes of hay, straw and dried grass which fan out on to more farmyard grains, wheat and orchard fruits. It’s quite floral…rose petals and or rosewater come to mind. A little malty sweet which counters the earthy characters well. It really thins out as it rolls into a relatively crisp and easy finish with lingering malt sweetness and light grains.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, somewhat clean and thirst quenching. Body is on the leaner side, nice vibrant Co2. 4.4% ABV is on par for the style.

Overall: This cracking Kölsch rounds out this fabulous little series for us. In summary we’ve really liked all of them. We’ve definitely found ourselves another go-to brewery for classic Euro styles. Kudos Burnley 👏

Garage Project Rose Kolsch


“Crisp Kölsch style ale, brewed using only the finest German malts and Tettnanger and Hallertau Blanc hops, then infused with Pinot Noir grape skins and a restrained touch of rose water to create a clean sparkling beer with delicate floral aroma and an endearing blush of pink.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Slightly hazy straw golden pour with two fingers of fluffy pink-hued off white head. Reasonably good retention with sudsy lace clinging to the glass.

Aroma: Crisp, clean and refreshing. The combination of Tettnanger and Hallertau Blanc hops give the aroma a true old world quality bringing spicy, floral, soft herbals/mildew, subtle citrus and an almost funky gooseberry note. We must admit the Pinot Noir grape skins are almost MIA if not for the suuuuper delicate tannins and forest floor accents. Pretty damn good but…it all comes together nicely.

Flavour: Very conventional Kolsch base with the grape skins providing an extremely subtle touch of earthy red fruit. The malt bill is so clean and crisp and those old world hops accentuate with their spicy, herbaceous/grassy and light florals. Picking up restrained hints of rosewater and pear before it punctuates with a nice clean finish.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, snappy and light on. Mild-moderate body and fine carbonation. The 5.5% ABV is a nice touch.

Overall: GP can do no wrong! Dead set these guys could brew their shittest beer and it would still be better than what a lot of other breweries can do on their best day. They’re just a cut above the rest.

Mitchell’s Brewing Co Kolsch


“Kolsch Style Session Ale Brewed Using Noble Hops & Premium Pilsner Malt.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Straw golden complexion with full transparency. It forms a wispy overlay which maintains fairly well. Healthy lace work as it subsides.

Aroma: Crisp and reasonably tidy. Subtle Noble hop characters; earthy, herbaceous and grassy. Tied together with a flaky and grainy malt profile. Some spicy-ness starting to open up as it settles. Every now and then we pick up a hint of fruity yeast esters and creamed corn/vegetal notes (DMS) although we don’t mind a bit of it in Pilsners and Lagers. Pretty conventional and we’re diggin it.

Flavour: It displays a finely balanced and well structured marriage of earthy and grassy hops, semi sweet cracker malts, honey and grains. Like the aroma we’re tasting a hint of fruity yeast esters and corny DMS. Kind of an earthy, grainy and yeasty finish which holds up reasonably well.

Mouthfeel: Thin and crispy. Soft rounded texture. Nicely carbed. The 4.6% ABV is about standard for the style.

Overall: Not bad for a brewery we hadn’t even heard of until we saw it on the shelf. The “session ale” side of it is a bit confusing though, we would have thought 4.6% is technically full strength? Well, maybe not in the craft beer world it isn’t so maybe they’re on the money! 😂

Red Hill Brewery Kolsch


“Do you know what a Kölsch is? Our Golden Ale is one! A style famous in Cologne, Germany for its brightness, clarity and easy drinking style. Fermented with ale yeast, then finished with cool lagering. The result is the best of both worlds: A light easy drinking pale that finishes crisp and clean. This new name for our fave brew will provide enlightenment for the craft beer lover about the style they are enjoying.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Pale straw golden body with a thumb of finely beaded foam resting atop. The head reduces slightly but manages a decent lace as we go.

Aroma: Bright, crisp, light citrus and spice coming off initially. Some herbaceous notes there in the background along with soft florals and straw/hay. Further grainy-ness opening up as it settles in. Very subtle yeasty tones showing up late as well. Very pleasant and matching this unusually warm winters arvo.

Flavour: Spot on for the style – lots of fruity and spicy hops, herbals and grainy straw/hay. Yet so beautifully crisp and clean. Semi sweet/ light honey malts fill it out. Smooth transition in to the light fruity and grainy finish.

Mouthfeel: Approachable is the name of the game here…crisp, clean and perfectly balanced. Co2 is spot on, offering just that right amount of spritz. 5% ABV is right on the money too.

Overall: We knew this would be a good drop. Red Hill are one of the best in the business when it comes to traditional European styles and this fits the bill perfectly. Solid offering.

Basement Brewhouse Kolsch

65133785_1118499611667516_2020060502427697152_n“This German-style ale is a light gold in colour with a smooth, crisp mouthfeel. The addition of Noble and American hop varieties post-fermentation lends to subtle citrus aromas, which makes this brew a perfect session beer.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Bright gold with 100% clarity. Really healthy co2 streams up to the surface but it fails to retain any head. Wet streaky lace clings to the glass as it subsides.

Aroma: Clean yet discreet scents of floral hops, peppery spice, some wet cardboard and light estery notes like freshly cut pear and green apple. Subtle Noble hop characteristics and crisp and somewhat crackery malt also coming through. Don’t know why but we keep getting this hint of synthetic material…kind of like nappies or polystyrene. Weird. Very weird.

Flavour: Ultra muted…we’re struggling to get any flavour out of it to be honest. What little malt that does come through hints at mild sweetness with an undertone of grain and crackers. Hardly a hop quality in cooee…there’s an inkling of bitterness but it’s gone in seconds while the finish is a little sweet but again falling way too short.

Mouthfeel: Soft, inoffensive and a little watery. Mild co2. Like the rest of the beer…MIA!

Overall: We really hate panning beers but this is just sub-standard. The aroma at least had something to tangle with but the rest seems watered down and lacked any stand out flavours, character and texture. Very disappointing.

Zierholz Premium Brewery ‘German Ale’ Kolsch

50745399_1021485688035576_5090117543813709824_n“Cologne style Ale. Crisp, delicate, easy drinking & very moreish, the original Zierholz Beer. This beer combines a delicate fruitiness derived from fresh European style hops grown in Nelson, New Zealand and a pure German Ale yeast strain from a brewpub in Cologne with an appetizing malt character created using premium malts from Bamberg in Bavaria. The German Ale is an excellent choice for having with lighter dishes such as seafoods and salads but also goes nicely with spicier dishes such as curries providing welcomed refreshment and palate cleansing properties.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Slightly pale gold with a thumb of white foam settling to a collar. Works a fine lace as we hook in.

Aroma: Classic European nose…herbal spicy hops, light florals, ginger beer and mild yeast esters underlined by a semi sweet honey malt. Loving that ultra subtle woodyness as well. Incredibly well balanced. One of the better Aussie Kolsch aromas that’s for sure.

Flavour: It’s interesting because at first there doesn’t seem to be much going on but once we scrape the surface we find it’s actually quite complex….in a delicate kind of way. Subtle yeasty notes upfront move in to a soft Noble hop bitterness midway. Grassy/spicy finish which goes the distance on the back palate.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, light and well rounded. Very crushable considering its unexpected complexity. 5.1% AbV.

Overall: A very satisfying Kolsch. This is our first crack at this Canberran brewery and we’ll certainly be seeking out more from them. Impressive.

Bear Republic Brewing Co. Rare BA Sangiovese Kolsch

33622899_861232870727526_1648111236467916800_n“Dry Creek Sangiovese juice from Orsi Family Home Vineyards blended w/ light Kolsch and refermented in oak barrels. Fruity grape notes, oaky mouthfeel, and a crisp Kolsch finish.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: We’re seeing a pink-ish red hue with a short head that vanishes instantly. And no head = no lace!

Aroma: Tart citrus overtones with red berries and soft oak tannins in support. It gives off a super refreshing effervescence, kind of how a lemon, lime and bitters would. Definitely getting a hint of the vinous red wine coming through with that surprisingly pleasant lacto funk cutting in. Lovely.

Flavour: It comes on a bit stronger than anticipated. Tart citrus and sharp lacto/pedio funk cutting through those oak tannins and soft vanilla notes upfront. More of that red wine and berries through the mid leading in to a mildly tart and drying finish.

Mouthfeel: Quite light on actually – must be due to the lager/kölsch body. Big and bitey 8.7% ABV to counteract it though. 15 IBU with a vibrant co2.

Overall: A thoroughly pleasant beer. It would be the perfect substitution for a rosé or a sparkling red which would pair beautifully with either spiced duck, pork and cheddar based cheese. Hits the spot!

Brouwerij De Ranke ‘Simplex’ Kolsch

27867692_812641305586683_9025628438558642103_n“For the first time since 2013 Brewery De Ranke launches a new, permanently available beer, Simplex. A fresh, light beer that resembles the bitter, hoppy pilsners from the sixties, although it is in fact an ale. “This is a beer we developed out of nostalgia for the old-styled pilsner”, say brewers Guido Devos and Nino Bacelle.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Hazy straw gold with a fair bit of suspended sediment. It forms a thumb of finely beaded foam which holds together well. Tonnes of webbed lacing clinging to the glass as we go.

Aroma: Quite complex for a kölsch. Getting subtle hints of Belgian yeast esters, straw, white pepper, earthy farmyard, orange zest and coriander. It has that touch of biscuit malt but it’s mostly grainy and crackery. Lively little saison-like fusion through it.

Flavour: She’s acting a bit more like a kölsch on the palate – grainy/husky malts on entry moving to straw, spice and earthy hops in the middle. The finish is dry with bitter grassy hop, straw and mild spice.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, dry and light on. Sturdy bitterness (50 IBU) developing late and persisting. Only 4.5% ABV which is remarkable considering the amount of body to it.

Overall: Not your typical kölsch. Loving the Belgian esters on the nose with a big flavour profile to back it up. Plenty of character crammed in to this unconventional offering.

Badlands Brewery ‘Brewbacca’ Kolsch

26805304_802420279942119_5627428553504935138_n“This ale is based on a Cologne style Kölsch. A subtle, warm and cuddly beast, Light biscuity character from the German Pilsener malt marries with soft and understated aroma and citrus flavours from Hallertau hops, the King of German noble hops.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: Straw gold with excellent clarity. It constructs a frothy two finger crown that holds its shape well. Healthy lace seen as we go.

Aroma: Uber grainy and earthy with a nice floral bouquet in support. More of a biscuity malt opposed to the usual rice crackers and hay. Kind of dry, kind of musty with a very subtle hint of wet paper. Undertones of rockmelon/paw paw, mild yeasty funk and spice filling it out. Good nose, full of character.

Flavour: It comes on quite strong for a kölsch. Tonnes of grainy malt, citrusy hops, straw and light florals on entry. Really good carry in to the mid where a subtle earthy note picks up a bit of cheeky spice. Slight musty-ness before it rounds out on a mild finish which shows straw and grainy malts in the tail.

Mouth feel: Light on, slightly drying and slightly lean. Moderate bitterness (25 IBU) and good co2. Super sessional.

Overall: A very well brewed kölsch. Cool strip too – love the natural timber looking background with the spin off of chewbacca from Star Wars….very eye catching.

Frenchie’s Brewery Kolsch

25550192_788431741340973_8853537171462504594_n“Kölsch is a refreshing classic beer from the German city of Cologne, where our head brewer Vince used to study. This one is largely inspired from his favourite, the Mühlen Kölsch at Heumarkt, Cologne. It is brewed with the finest noble hops, blending there flavours with gentle malt notes and a delicate fruitiness from fermentation, it finishes clean and dry.”

Served in a footed flute. Crystal clear and light straw golden in appearance. It constructs a short bubbly head which collapsed and struggled to produce much lace as we go.
The nose is dry, grainy, bready and a little spicy with a delicate citrus zing cutting through. Picking up an interesting herbal undertone that is reminiscent of green tea and vines. Some very subtle hints of DMS/corn but ultimately it’s a nice, clean and summery aroma.
The flavour profile doesn’t steer too far off course. The front palate is grainy and a touch spicy with bread crusts and delicate herbal notes. A mild dryness opens up around the mid with a semi sweet malt character developing late. It finishes clean, crisp and spicy with floral pot pourri notes on the rear.
Super light and crush-able in the mouth. It holds a nice moderate weight with a mild bitterness (25 IBU) around the edges. Good co2.
We love a well brewed kölsch and this one hits the spot. It’s got those lovely spicy noble hop features with a light bready/grainy malt structure. She’s light on, approachable and full flavoured as well. Kudos Frenchies that’s a decent drop.

Yulli’s Brews ‘Gretchen’ Organic Honey Kolsch

18034227_680290318821783_6860557138886070889_n“Gretchen is our take on a classic German style Kolsch, where a cold fermentation promotes a clean, lager-like finish to this early drinker. We sourced all organic ingredients for this one too. The beer finishes super clean and easy, with a lovely honey flavour on the back palate.”

Served in a dimpled mug. The light straw golden pour generates a two finger crest that holds together well. Steady reduction, working a patchy lace trail down the glass.
We certainly get a nose full of the pilsner malts initially; rice crackers and grains mainly. The honey aspect lends itself delicately with a somewhat nutty/woody note which leads us to think that either iron bark or yellow box honey was used. A soft citrus accent also makes up the aroma, balancing out the honey and grains. Not bad.
Very light, smooth and effortless in the mouth. Spritzy Co2 with a mild hop bitterness throughout (17 IBU). Mild body. Very accommodating.
It’s all very tame and inoffensive in flavour. Upfront its soft and subtle with hints of grain, straw and a mild honey sweetness. Hints of zesty orange blossom work in as it finishes on a kind of herbal honey note that pulls up a bit short on the back palate.
Just a tad too reserved for us. The honey element was a nice touch, although quite subtle. It’s one of those beers that would be perfect for an entry level craft beer drinker or even for an all afternoon summer shindig. Other than that it wouldn’t stand up in many other situations, in our opinion.

Bacchus Brewing Co Nitro Kolsch

16602678_645801032270712_1088714627449222349_n“We’ve taken the finest, palest, premium German malt and gently spiced with German noble hops and fermented with a true German kolsch yeast to create this beautiful session ale, with its soft, rounded palate and delicate flavour.”

Served in a Stein glass. She offers a pale straw golden appearance with a quickly reducing head. It eventually settles to a ring with scarce lace work on the glass.
Smells nice and spicy with somewhat sweet and somewhat grainy malts at the forefront. Really getting those lovely Noble hop-like characters coming through. Hints of light florals, hay, white grapes and orange blossom hit a soft sweet note in its delivery. Light, crisp and approachable…exactly what we’re after in a Kolsch.
The texture of the beer is again light on, crisp in texture and super smooth in the swallow. Mild-medium body and finely carbonated. Mild bitterness (25 IBU).
Earthy/spicy hops and slightly sweet malts leave their impression on the front palate. The middle shows quite a direct floral tone as it leads in to the gentle finish that provides subtle sweet and spicy notes on a length.
We were really interested to see how these guys fared when the beer was stripped back to the bone without tonnes of sweeteners and other delicious additives that Bacchus has become so synonymous with. How did they go? Just as we thought….very well indeed. There is some serious skill involved with brewing lagers and this one hits its mark and drinks super easy with the delicate, sessional and well balanced character. Kudos Bacchus.

Green Beacon Brewing Co. ‘Cross Knot’ Kolsch

14908206_593389587511857_7412357306410525600_n“Cross Knot Kolsch is a German style golden ale with clean, crisp flavours, restrained bitterness and a dry finish. An extended conditioning period and cool ferment yields a beer of refreshing subtlety.”

Served in a shaker glass. Cross Knot pours a somewhat pale golden hue with a thin wispy head laying over the top. As we imbibe it reduces to a fine film with scarce lace following it down. The nose is fresh, bright, citrusy and slightly grainy. One thing is for sure there is an excellent balance of lifted citrus notes against the grainy/cereal malt backing. Some grassy hops begin to come through in as we really dig our noses in. Really crisp and snappy, we like it. The mouth feel has a kind of mineral sparkle to it – a nod to the precise amount of Co2. It’s also light on, mild in body and extremely sessional. An approachable 4.7% ABV adds to its high drink-ability. Upfront the taste presents a malt forward profile with grainy cereal malts leading the subtle citrus notes through the mid. What we could only describe as a very mild bitterness (24 IBU) is picked up as the beer punctuates with crisp grassy hop characters and subtle cereal/biscuit malts. We’ve been impressed with this brewery ever since we visited it last year on a Brisbane brewery tour. Unfortunately this Kölsch wasn’t tapped when we were there so we’ve been wanting to try it ever since. And we must say it’s a superb interpretation of the style – light, crisp, fruity and grainy with that super sessional mouth feel. Solid drop.

Colonial Brewing Co. Draught Kolsch Ale

13619949_545152445668905_5348809651003718798_n“Pale gold in colour, Colonial Draught shows hints of lemon sorbet and is complimented by a subtle background of passionfruit and green herb. The nose flows to the palate which is tight, spotlessly clean, fresh, zesty and focussed, delivering a very approachable beer.”

Served in a beer tulip. The pale golden pour produces a fizzy two finger head that holds up reasonably well. It eventually shrinks down to a fine overlay with scarce lace trails clinging to the glass. The nose is quite dry and dusty with elements of hay and grainy malts at the forefront. Lashes of tangy citrus and grapes give it an almost champagne-like character at times. Maybe a hint of herbal/floral hop notes coming through too. Pretty good, smells fresh and super clean. In the mouth it’s light and airy with a crisp texture. Carbonation is vibrant and the body sits around the mild-medium mark. So sessional. The taste follows on from the aroma nicely. Upfront we get dry straw-like accents over a subtle citrus tang. The grainy/bready malts pop up early in the mid as a gentle hop dryness carries it through. A fresh herbal note then leads in to the slightly dry and snappy finish that offers light fruity notes on the back palate. This is one of those times when you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The very plain and uninspiring label is the opposite of what’s happening inside the can. Which is a summery, light, crisp and uber sessional ale. This was our first crack at this WA breweries range and going off first experiences we’ll be back for a second. Solid Kolsch.