Bridge Road Grapefruit IPA


“A bright, punchy number; fresh grapefruit makes for an uplifting aroma, while a juicy, tropical hop bill melds seamlessly with a zesty, bitter finish.”

Glassware: IPA.

Appearance: Mildly hazy golden-orange pour with a finger of finely beaded foam atop. Pretty decent retention considering the lack of head. Laced well.

Aroma: Ooft! The fruity notes jump out of the glass. The grapefruit component is intense and the backup it receives is equal to the task. The grapefruit is sweet but also tart which tells us they’ve used the ruby variety. The strong oily citrus in support really emphasizes it all too. Tangy orange, watermelon, passionfruit and some stone fruit also. Diggin it.

Flavour: We love that the grapefruit is so direct but not overwhelming. The tangy orange and oily citrus backs it all up nicely. There’s even a hint of rind in here as well. Not much in the way of other fruits but we pick up some pine needle and resinous notes a bit later on in the piece. Quite a nice bitter finish with lingering citrus acidity on the back end.

Mouthfeel: Fairly smooth initially then a bit drier and bitter in the swallow. Medium body, finely carbed. The 7% ABV was well concealed.

Overall: A solid grapefruit IPA with big aromas and flavours. The only negative in our opinion was that it got a little too much by the end – it became difficult to polish off. Probably a good one to share. Other than that it was pretty tasty.