“Deep Space Haze Hazy Pale ale was created amidst the 2020 Australian Hop Harvest. We set to work creating a wet hop, hazy pale . We fell so in love with the beer, that we decided that we wanted it as part of our core range… and while we couldn’t keep the wet hop component we could adjust the hop bill to add even more amazing Australian hops. Please welcome, Deep Space Haze to our already stellar core range.”
Glassware: Shaker.
Appearance: Uber hazy apricot coloured pour with a thumb of sturdy white head resting atop. Slow reduction and healthy lace on the glass as it ebbs.
Aroma: One of the things we notice instantly is the nectar-filled fruits; passionfruit, peach, mango, guava and orange. Subtle herbals and florals, soft piney notes, frosty fruits and paw paw. The malt bill is definitely dry and doughy, a little crusty at times as well. Fleeting chalky notes too. Pretty damn good if we must say!
Flavour: Wasn’t expecting such a huge explosion of flavour but it comes on with a massive wave of of stonefruit – peach, apricot and melon alongside tart passionfruit and orange, subtle brekky juice and pine. Slightly pithy in the middle with an assertive bitterness that carries it through to the bone dry and citric finish.
Mouthfeel: Fairly creamy initially then quite dry and bitter post swallow. Medium body with a vibrant carb. 5.2% ABV is neither here nor there.
Overall: Very flavoursome that’s for sure but maybe a tad too bitter for a hazy in our opinion. We’re looking for that super creamy, juicy and fluffy quality in a hazy. Big ups on the artwork though…very eye-catching.