“Energy Equals is a companion beer to MC². It completes the equation. We start with MC² as a base and incorporate the well received process we like to refer to as the ‘Energy Dry Hop’ which gives this beer an intense brightness and flavor. Energy Equals has enhanced flavor characteristics of mango, pineapple, citrus, and apricot. With the new technique in place, we notice a much deeper flavor profile while being extremely bright and lighter in body. It’s extremely crushable with our EQ juice finish.”
Glassware: IPA
Appearance: Golden orange with a moderate haze. It whips up a creamy two finger head which maintains well. Nice wavy lace as it ebbs. Watch your pour with this one…lots of floaties!
Aroma: Very bright and vibrant. Tonnes of fruit i.e rockmelon, paw paw, apricot, mango, orange citrus, peach, pear and grapefruit. Hints of zesty rind and pine needles, pineapple and white grapes also. Kind of a semi sweet malt structure offering a touch of honey and sweet doughy white bread. Pretty rockin.
Flavour: Heavily dominated by the stonefruits: rockmelon, paw paw, apricot and peach but well supported by fleshy mango, ripe pineapple and zesty orange. A hint of earthy/peppery spice develops late and finishes rather dry and fruity with a delicate malt sweetness in the tail.
Mouthfeel: Very smooth and creamy. Medium body, finely carbonated. The 8% ABV is dangerously well concealed.
Overall: The first of 6 IPA’s we picked up from this NY brewery. Our first entry from them too. Look, it’s not life changing but it’s a decent DIPA.