“Our Kriek beer is a refreshing blend of tart and sweet. We conditioned it for 6 months on 2 seasons worth or morello cherries that we grew right here in Traralgon, allowing the beer absorb the fruits rich complex flavours.”
Glassware: Teku.
Appearance: Pours a deep and bold ruby red with a fizzy one finger head which quickly fades. It settles to a fine collar but hardly any lace clings to the glass.
Aroma: It’s fascinating how different the make up of the same fruit can be depending on where it’s grown. We’re almost certain Cantillon (and a raft of other Belgian Sour breweries) use Morello cherries but the difference here is the Morello cherries were grown in Australia, under our climate conditions. The characteristics are much sweeter and milder and display more of a sarsaparilla-like quality. Also getting pink lemonade, strawberry and herbs.
Flavour: Hhmm a bit too medicinal for our liking. Not a whole lot of sourness to it either. There’s certainly fresh cherry notes along with sarsaparilla, dry wheat grains, red grapes and blood plum. It doesn’t really go anywhere from here unfortunately, it all gradually peeters out and finishes a tad dry with the faintest hint of cherry in the tail.
Mouthfeel: Fairly light on, mineraly texture. Vibrant Co2 and the 7 % ABV is well concealed.
Overall: We won’t be rushing out to get more any time soon. We think stating that it’s a “Kriek Style” Sour was a good move as it’s far from a traditional Kriek. We get they’re difficult beers to perfect but we were expecting more from this.