Hunter beer co. Barley wine


1525763_221450928039060_426009276_nOn tap and in a tasting paddle at the brewery in the Hunter Valley. Copper in appearance with a creamy 1 finger’s worth of head. Good retention and good lacing. Floral aroma initially with subtle earthy hints of pine, oak and ash to follow. A strange sweet and floral undertone we can’t quite put our finger on. Maybe vanilla or pot pourri? Medium carbonation with a dry mouth feel. Palate also displays a floral and sweet flavour.. This worked for the aroma but not so much for the taste. A tad cloying and slightly astringent. Soft hints of warming alcohol, charcoal and oak add a bit of depth but to no avail. 10.2% ABV is quite evident in taste and aroma but it did add extra body and flavour. This beer was OK, although at this time we are still relatively new to Barley wines. Plenty of better options on tap here though.