“Both refreshing and smooth, boasting a rounded flavour with medium bitterness and subtle fruity notes.”
Glassware: Trappist chalice.
Appearance: Bold amber with an orange tint. It has a slight haziness and a thumb of creamy white foam atop. Good retention and healthy lace trailing it down.
Aroma: Dead set this smells as good as any Belgian Blonde you’d get from the likes of Duvel, Chimay etc. It’s packed with conventional Belgian yeast esters i.e banana runts, orchard fruits and bubblegum then further bolstered by tangy orange citrus, clove/peppery spice, fresh herbs like coriander and ground aniseed. Maybe just the mildest touch of ginger as well. Very impressive.
Flavour: Follows the nose with its magnificent and classic marriage of Belgian yeast esters, citrus fruits and herbal spice. Tasting a very delicate honey malt sweetness woven through the candied banana, clove, coriander and dried floral notes which develop a bit later in the piece. It all shifts into a fairly dry, clean and herbaceous finish.
Mouthfeel: Crisp, refreshing and dry. Co2 is a little under its more traditional Belgian counterparts though. The 5.2% ABV is on point and the body is mild-moderate.
Overall: We’re hooked on these guys at the moment. Their Belgian-only ethos, the high quality of their range, the simple yet effective branding. They seem to be the complete package!