“Blame it on the sunshine, blame it on the moonlight, blame it on the good times, but don’t blame it on the boogie. Oh no no no! ‘Cos without the boogie you ain’t got the sass in this bottle yo!”
Poured into a weizen glass the colour of the body displays a milky straw-yellow with a short white head that collapsed pretty quickly. No lacing to be shown. The aroma is quite delicate and the addition of watermelon is hard to pick up and only mildly evident. Some peppery spice and herbal characters do come through but it’s the typical Weizen aroma’s of banana, clove and grain with subtle funk that dominate the nose. Mildly carbonated with a light, silky smooth mouth feel. Upfront the palate is slightly malty/yeasty. Only until around the mid-palate does a quick, refreshing jab of watermelon develop with hints of banana, clove and grain that leads to the short, but palatable wheaty finish with some melon sweetness on the back end. 5.3% ABV is spot on. To be honest we were expecting too much from this, it’s just a smooth, relatively simple and refreshing Weizen. Not a great deal of quirky flavour which this brewery usually offers. To sum up it wasn’t great but it wasn’t bad either.