Nogne O ‘#100’ Barleywine


13427798_531133893737427_2565741278866158685_n“Nøgne Ø’s 100th batch, brewed for the enjoyment of the brewers, but popular demand forced us to release it commercially. Most enjoyable in a comfortable chair in front of a roaring fire.”

Served in a beer tulip. She presents a mahogany body which reveals edges of crimson when held to the light. If you want to keep the yeast in the bottle then watch your pour as we see swirls of fine suspended sediment laced through. A healthy three finger head forms on top, gradually receding to a thick blanket with oodles of brick work lace clinging to the glass. Our first thoughts of this aroma are just dank, piney and boozy. A lovely caramel sweetness takes the edge off the alcohol (10%) and hints of marmalade and vinous hops work in nicely. We get suggestions of cocoa powder that has this dry and earthy mustiness to it while the olfactory’s also sense a slightly spicy licorice accent. So multilayered but so harmonious, brilliant aroma. In the mouth it’s medium-full in body with a creamy texture. Really coats the palate well as it progresses languidly in to the swallow. There’s a bit of a prickly burn from the alcohol but the substantial malt profile eventually smooths it over. Really complex flavour here – this contrast been sweet and sometimes toasty malt and the vinous hops is delicious. Rich and earthy notes of tobacco, licorice and chocolate are cut through by hints of citric orange peel that reinforces the astringent alcohol burn and overall dryness in the finish. As it comes up to room temperature hints of burnt toffee and residual sugars begin to open up. Really, really complex drop this one but they have it working, none of the flavors clash. We love these Norwegian brewers and this is exactly why. Rich, heavy and intricate with a tonne of flavour and aroma. Cue the applause.