Omnipollo/Trillium ‘Covered in Puppies’ DIPA


imageGlassware: Shaker glass

Appearance: Beautiful mango/paw paw colour with a 10mm head that faded quite quickly. Lots of small refined carbonation that seems to just appear mid way out of thin air. Nice white sudsy rim around the glass.

Aroma: Tropical ripe fruit such as pineapple, paw paw, passion fruit, overripe mango, with sweet candied sugars, hop resin and citrus/mandarin. Slight dankness to the brew.

Flavour: Very smooth and delicious for a DIPA. It just seemingly washes over the palate effortlessly. The sweetness from the tropical fruit such as paw paw and caramel malts, and the candied sugars blend with the slight bitterness but the caramels from the malt balance out the bitterness quickly. Bit more of a citrusy component the more we consume, and this combines with a touch of dryness. Non dominant grapefruits on the back palate. Very mild spice tingle on tonsils after the brew has been consumed.

Mouthfeel: Super enjoyable for 8.1% alc vol. Body is medium and not overdone. Bitterness really blended. Carbonation is fairly low and enables quick sips. Moderate length on the palate.

Overall: Super enjoyable. Well balanced which is the hallmark for these +8% alc vol DIPA’s. You could very easily have two of these in a row due to the flavour and aroma profile. Not too bitter, not too sweet. Just right really. Excellent brewing.