Rogue ‘brutal’ IPA


image“Rogues take risks. Rogues are willing to shun titles and personal financial success in the pursuit of the greater good. Rogues pursue the long shot. Rogues have respect for diversity. Rogues are never satisfied to rest on past laurels. Rogues work hard. Rogues ignore the accepted patterns and blaze their own trails. Rogue shave raw talent and focus on that talent. Rogues are honest with themselves and others. Rogues are rebels. Rogues have one foot in reality to let them get the job done, but they are, nonetheless, led by their dreams”.

Served in an IPA glass the deep golden pour is showing off attractive copper red hues. Atop sits a 2 finger crown that settles to about a fine layer of beige foam. Excellent head retention and in turn, releases a good amount of lacing. Aroma is fruity with passion fruit, subtle mango, English malts and grapefruit standing out. Only one hop strain being used in this brew (Crystal) and the fact it hasn’t been dry or late hopped shows. Smooth mouth feel with medium carbonation and body. Flavours, similar to the aroma, are a little reserved but still there to be enjoyed. Some initial malt and hops move forward into a subtle fruity mid-palate which then flows onto a very smooth back end with a lasting mild hop bitterness. No real outstanding flavours to comment on. 6.2% ABV. Not as brutal as the name makes it out to be so all up a slightly disappointing beer from this usually top notch brewer.