Slow Lane ‘Threefold’ Belgian Tripel


“Tripels are a strong pale beer that have been brewed in Belgium since the 1930’s. The name originates from when breweries marked their beers with X’s according to their strength.Those marked with three X’s being referred to as a Tripel. Threefold has complex yeast derived flavours from an initial open fermentation and a second fermentation in the can. This beer is highly carbonated just like the original Belgian Tripels.”

Glassware: Trappist tulip.

Appearance: Bold amber pour with a light and fluffy three finger head forming on top. Gradual reduction and lots of soapy lace clings to the glass as it subsides.

Aroma: Strong apple cider notes hit the olfactories initially…kinda funky, musty and floral in character. A hint of malt sweetness and herbaceous hops along with the subtle yet classic peppery spice, orchard fruits and banana runts from the Belgian yeast. Quite a noticeable raw onion quality which it could definitely do without in our opinion. Other than that it’s a solid aroma.

Flavour: It has glimpses of a good traditional Tripel but it seems too focussed on this peculiar tangy orange flavour. Very brief banana runts and spice upfront with delicate caramel sweetness and pot pourri-like florals later in the piece. The finish is dry, fruity and a little tinny but it does linger well on the back end.

Mouthfeel: Fairly light on and effervescent. Moderately bodied, lively carbonation. The 8.4% ABV shows through a touch but it’s well enough concealed for us.

Overall: Not really sold on this one. SL have been one of our stand out breweries of late but this Tripel missed the mark on a few occasions. Surprising actually, up until now they’ve nailed every Euro Style there is. Ah well no one’s perfect!