Smog City ‘Snugglebug’ Sour Blond w Raspberry & Boysenberry


“Snugglebug’s elegant pale pink color and crackling carbonation prepares you for potent, ripe raspberry and blackberry coupled with a clean, moderate acidity that resembles a tart sparkling berry lemonade.”

Glassware: Teku.

Appearance: Pours a gorgeous maroon with a very faint purple highlight. It forms a finger of fizzy light pink head which slowly peels off. Kind of a wet lace is dragged down the glass.

Aroma: Wow, it smells like a super sour pink lemonade with added sour apple, mixed red berries, freshly cut lemon and blueberry jam in support. There’s certainly a strong lacto quality to it, bordering on that funky yoghurt-like scent, alongside strong musty and bretty characters. Loving the subtle touch of vanillin oak that constantly comes through too. Damn fine aroma.

Flavour: It comes on with an almighty sourness which is accentuated further by the tart mixed berries and sour lemon. A touch of red wine vinegar is balanced by the subtle oak midway. It all surges forward into this candy-esque finish where we get a tonne of red berry sherbet, candied lemon and chalky vanilla.

Mouthfeel: Crisp and dry. The acidity almost has a burn to it. Super vibrant Co2, light-moderate body. Only 4.8% ABV which is surprisingly low for U.S standards!

Overall: That’s a damn fine sour. It’s really cool to see their sour range hitting our shores. We remember visiting this brewery in LA and being very impressed. Solid beer from a solid brewery.