“Watou Tripel is a traditional abbey ale brewed in the classic “Triple” style of Belgium’s Trappist Monks. This golden pale ale is mellow-sweet with lightly perfumed aromas and some spicy yeast notes. Rich and fruity with a soft mouth feel. (7,0% ABV)”
Served in a tulip glass the slightly hazy golden- orange pour produces a fluffy 1 finger white head that retains well but laces minimally. Plenty of suspended sediment, so watch your pour if you don’t like your floaties. The aroma offers everything you would hope to expect from a big yeasty Belgian tripel – banana, bubblegum, clove, dried fruits, herbs, apricot, booze and champagne all combine together so well it’s like a match made in heaven. An absolute delight to take in. The mouth feel has a slightly frothy texture with medium carbonation. Quite light on. Upfront we get sweet malts and hints of banana with a slight alcohol warmth on the tongue. Sweet malts and spice develop through the mid-palate while a subtle touch of peppery spice along with dried fruits and honeyed malts finish off an impressive tripel. The 7.5% ABV is actually quite low for a tripel but is used with precision in taste and aroma. You can’t really ask for too much more from this type of beer. Executed perfectly.