“Dark brown colour with a medium, thick beige head that diminishes gradually to an outer ring with small patches of lace. A beautiful aroma of roasted malt, toasted coconut and chocolate, medium bodied with characters of toasted coconut, milk chocolate and a hint of coffee. The finish is roasty coconut, toffee, muesli and coffee.”
Glassware: English Pint.
Appearance: Kinda deep rusted amber with a thumb of tan foam perched on top. The head slowly recedes and leaves a fine wavy lace down the glass.
Aroma: First thoughts are lots of vanilla and toasted coconut, milk chocolate, nutty and toasty malts and a hint of booze which plays into the subtle touch of Malibu. Guess you could say it tastes a bit like a liquefied boozy Bounty Bar. Mild raw coffee bean and milk sugars in the background. Really delicate earthy hops to be found right down deep. Not bad.
Flavour: Tastes like syrups were used and the balance upfront is a tad skewed. Don’t get us wrong though it’s still flavoursome…plenty of sweet coconut, vanilla, brown sugar, nutty malts, light roast, raw coffee and oats. A nice cameo of hop bitterness midway to break it all up. A slightly cloying sweetness is picked up late in the piece but is alleviated by the returning dryness in the finish.
Mouthfeel: Very inoffensive for 8.2% ABV. A little creamy, a little sticky. Flat-ish Co2. Medium body.
Overall: It’s a funny one coz we’re not crazy about it but it’s not half bad. It has a few minor faults but it also has some strong points. Don’t mind us while we sit on this comfy old fence.