Urbanaut ‘Beer Blender’ Salted Caramel IPA X Baked Pear Sour


Our latest release in the Beer Blender series! Each Beer Blender contains 2 x 250ml cans of beer, packaged together and designed to be enjoyed on their own or blended together for a third flavour experience!

1 – Taste Can A

2 – Taste Can B

3 – Blend together


Glassware: IPA

Baked Pear Sour: Straw golden pour with a short fizzy white head. It forms a halo and drags a wet lace down the glass. Nose is light and sweet. Caramelised pear, spice, candied lemon and a hint of apple cider. A flutter of vanilla floating around too. Jeez you could barely call it a sour. Watered down pear and apple cider with subtle spice and vanilla on the palate. Texture is thin but somewhat refreshing. A bit meh.

Salted Caramel IPA: Holy moly it’s dark AF! Almost black with a short tan head. Retention is ok and it laces fairly well. The aroma oozes decadent caramel and butterscotch along with more subtle hints of maple and caramelised sugars. Almost a hint of dark spiced rum coming through. More of the same on the palate; smooth, sweet and delicious. Luxurious texture, gelatinous, medium body. Slightly flat Co2. Much better than the sour.

The Blend: Deep brown with a fizzy two finger head. The two main features (baked pear and salted caramel) pair up really well.. it’s no surprise the two are meant for one another. Together they create a dark fruit quality that’s hard to pin down…reminds us of maple drenched raisins. If that’s even a thing. The sourness actually comes through more now than it did just on its own. It cuts through the rich sweetness and leaves a sweet and sour finish.

Overall: Another fun and super quirky release from these creative Kiwi’s! The baked pear sour on its own left us wanting but the salted caramel IPA was good and the blend was probably the best part. We dig it…maybe not as much as the Black Forest Stout/Espresso Scotch Ale though, that was epic.