White Bay Doppelbock


“Using a selection of German malts, with a majority Munich base, this beer is packed with rich toasty, bready, caramel aroma and flavour. Huell Melon hops used to provide some underlying bitterness without overpowering the palate. Underwent a 3 step mash and cold conditioned for many moons to ensure the best result for our Oktoberfest punters.”

Glassware: Dimpled mug.

Appearance: Pours somewhat crimson merging into mahogany topped off with a frothy three finger head. Steady reduction and a tonne of thick sudsy lace clinging to the glass as it ebbs.

Aroma: Very nice fusion of rich sweet malts and delicate roasted notes. We’re getting some interesting fruity hop scents but it’s the malt show here…caramel, toffee, dark fruits, cereal grains and even a touch of rice crackers and umami. Showing the whole grain spectrum. We’re quite fascinated by the hops used in the brew. Huell Melon hey.

Flavour: Unique, we must admit. Falls somewhere between a Dark Lager and a Dark Ale. The Huell Melon hops which have us intrigued impart ripe melon (quite obviously) and maybe pear? Subtle touches of roasted malt, mild bitterness and warming booze are softened by treacle and toffee. The slightly burnt flavours push into a smooth-ish finish with a hint of bitterness and booze on the back palate.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, a little prickly. Co2 is spot on. The 7.5% ABV shows through a tad more than we’d like.

Overall: A little confusing. The can portrays a traditional Doppelbock but it’s anything but. It’s distinctly roasty, slightly bitter and boozy and the hops (although interesting) don’t really gel in our opinion.