“We brewed this beer as an ode to one of our brew team’s favourite styles. Comprised of 100% imported Bohemian Pilsner Malt, Gantry Crane underwent a lengthy and arduous multi step mash and was generously hopped with Sladek and Saaz hops. Gantry Crane was cold fermented under pressure, naturally carbonated and had 10 weeks of cold conditioning in tank prior to packaging. This baby is absolutely purring! A beer we have been looking forward to making and drinking for a very long time.
Na Zdravi!”
Glassware: Flute.
Appearance: Slightly pale straw gold with a fizzy three finger crown nestled comfortably on top. The head holds its shape and leaves a mess on the glass as it subsides.
Aroma: It was hard to ignore the rumblings around the quality of this beer so here we are…jumping on the hype train again. On first meet it’s very impressive though. Very similar to Pilsner Urquell (on the can and inside it ). It has that classic savoury character in spades – umami rice crackers, delicate florals and herbals, crusty white bread. A subtle skunky note, Noble hops, tinned corn and other starchy veg all providing good support.
Flavour: Quite dry, bitter and floral on the front palate. Some of that skunky-ness creeps through but the savoury rice crackers and wheat grains do also. Getting a flutter of farmyard funk developing late – hay/straw, grassy and herbal hops then somewhat of a pithy citric finish which draws out nicely.
Mouthfeel: Crisp, fairly clean and light on. Very palate-friendly as to be expected. Co2 is about spot on and so is the 5% ABV.
Overall: We always have a bit of a giggle when brands are allowed to package up products that look so similar to the original. A mate once told us that it only needs to be 30-odd % different from the original for it to pass. Anywho, it’s a quality Pilsner. Doesn’t knock Rattenhund off the No.1 spot but it definitely deserves a spot in the top 5 best Aussie Pilsners.