Bridge Road ‘B2 Bomber – Mach 10’ Imperial Belgian Black IPA


“This year we have re-created B2’s revered Imperial Belgian Black IPA base, with the addition of a carefully selected coffee blend – It pours like liquid dark chocolate with a lasting tan head and medium carbonation from our biggest-ever malt bill. en years on, B2 Bomber continues to evolve and transcend style, and remains singular in the Australian craft beer landscape.”

Glassware: IPA.

Appearance: Black with a loosely packed brown head which snaps back to the rim. It posts thin rings as we imbibe.

Aroma: Scintillating wafts of rich dark chocolate, licorice, Candi sugars, vanilla, coffee, musk, piney hops, mixed citrus, weedy herbs and a subtle array of yeast esters; apple pie, banana and solvent. God damn the Mach series is epic and it only gets better each vintage.

Flavour: Hhhmmm. That’s surprising…no where near as defined as the aroma. It just seems a little muddled to us. There’s something a little tangy which isn’t working with our palate. The upside is it’s quickly overtaken by big chocolate, coffee, vanilla and yeast esters which carry well in to the finish.

Mouthfeel: A little flat and oily. Medium-full body. 10.1% ABV is reasonably well hidden.

Overall: It’s no secret these guys have had Co2 issues with the past couple of vintages. It was great that they recalled the bottled release but it seems there’s still some lingering problems with it. It still seems a little flat-ish which is such a shame coz it really could be a superb beer.