Founders Brewing Co ‘Dankwood’ BA Imperial Red IPA


33573405_861152690735544_6683822814635491328_n“What do you get when a big, bold imperial red IPA meets an oak bourbon barrel? A palate stunner that’ll send your senses spinning or, as we like to call it, Dankwood. Rich caramel notes emerge from the depths of the IPA, highlighting strong malt character while the bourbon barrel-aging develops the complexity. A dank, sticky and slightly sweet sipper, Dankwood is the perfect alchemy of wood and hops.”

Glassware: IPA glass.

Appearance: Very deep amber with a thumb of puffy tan foam perched on top. It’s reasonably well retained and leaves a streaky lace drag down the walls of the glass.

Aroma: Dank, boozy, sweet and syrupy. Over ripened stonefruits such as mango, rockmelon, paw paw and pineapple which seem to accentuate the super sweet syrupy notes (not to mention the hefty 12.2% ABV). Certainly picking up undertones of the bourbon oak, it’s quite subtle but there to be found. As it settles it almost gets this amaretto scent to it. Potent but very elegant.

Flavour: It hits every corner of the flavour spectrum! It’s rich, sweet and syrupy but it’s also dank, bitter and hoppy with its hints of grapefruit and orange peel early in the mid. Nutty malts, toffee, caramel and burnt sugar finish with a liqeur-ish note, stewed fruits, port and a subtle jaffa-like flavour that really goes the distance on the back palate.

Mouthfeel: Sticky, dense and resinous with an intense booze burn. At times aggressive IBU (65), wouldn’t want it to be much higher to he honest.

Overall: It’s a great drop but my goodness it’s an onslaught to the senses. Points for complexity, body and fun factor but it’s just slightly palate wrecking.