This style of brewing, originally from Cologne, Germany, is one that is either hit or miss. We’ve had quite a few over the years and the best Australian representation of the Kölsch is brewed by 4 pines in Manly, NSW. This Kölsch by Hunter beer co is a part of their simple, yet very true-to-style core range that we frequently stop in for on our trips to the Hunter Valley.
Anyway, on with the review. On tap in a pint glass. Clear pale golden pour offers up brilliant clarity with a bright glow. Nice 1 and a half finger head that stands up well and maintains for a couple of minutes but eventually collapses to a collar with reasonable lacing to show for it. Quite malt forward on the nose, we’re initially detecting some biscuity/cereal malts, straw, lemon, wet paper, light florals and grain. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Quite thin in the mouth with a silky smooth texture. The carbonation levels are mild and the body is light on. A gentle hop bitterness pairs up with hints of lemon and grain on entry. Through the mid a suggestion of hay and some syrupy/honey sweetness begins to develop leading to a delicate, malty finish with a touch of hop dryness on the rear palate. 4.5% ABV. Brewed for session ability, not really for flavour. To sum up, it was a little too malty sweet for our liking. A stronger presence of fruity hops or citrus to balance it out would have gone a long way. It’s certainly an enjoyable beer, just one we wouldn’t go back to in a hurry. Not bad.