Mountain goat ‘Silence of the rees’ coconut porter


imageThis is an In Breed beer, whereby we let a single brewer create something uniquely their own. This is Alana Rees turn. Five malts plus flaked barley give it a smooth, complex mouthfeel. Then the coconut, vanilla and cacao round things out. Perfect winter drinking.

Poured into a snifter, we see a mat black body with a 10-15mm tan coloured, tightly packed head that retains gloriously. Decent carbonation seen bubbling up to the undersurface of the head that makes it look lik it’s growing around the rim of the glass. Initial aromas of roasted malt, bitter chocolate, nuttiness, caramels, and some mild vanilla pod and booze. First sip is heavier than the aroma. Big roasted/charred malts, sweet caramels, vanilla spice, more nuttiness from the coconut with mild to moderate only bitterness. Body is moderate with luscious, almost creamy mouthfeel which has nice length on the palate. Carbonation doesn’t overpower and there is a little tingle on the tongue with each sip. 6.3% Alc vol here and that seems apt for a porter. We don’t get too much booze burn. There is a touch of heat though. We are enjoying the balance of flavours mid way through this brew. The sweetness of the malts blends nicely with the bitterness from the hops and cacao. The spice of the vanilla tingles the tonsils and the nuttiness of the coconut adds a fullness in the mouth. It’s almost buttery. Virtually no lacing on the glass here as we near the finish line. This is a tasty porter. It’s ticks all box’s. Toasty, nutty, spicy, with a nice balance of sweet and bitterness. Good effort.