Mountain Goat ‘The Zymurgist’ IPA


imageOur beloved Mountain Goat has sold out for more greener financial pastures, but we have had a good couple of drops since so we happy to imbibe their new drop here. After spending a few minutes on reading the quality information on the label about the physiology of taste and smell, and the chemical makeup of beer in terms of bitterness,new ready to go!

Poured into a pint glass to extract all the goodness out of this 640ml bottle, we see a typical IPA colour of burnt orange but we notice how much carbonation is coming up through the glass. The bubbly, airy white 10mm heads slowly fades but leaves sudsy lacing and still some head by the time we sip. Our olfactory centre picks up fruity grapefruit and citrus, some stone fruits,  along with pine and mild malts..the hops really shine here. First sip is bitter, with a mixture of caramel malt, grapefruit and more pine. Decent carbonation in the mouth, with a medium density body only. It’s not watery in the mouth but it definitely is not full bodied. The bitterness retains well on the palate but is not overbearing. Just typical pine needle, grapefruit, and limes which leaves a drying or crispness in the mouth. We get a small hit of booze here but it blends well with the malt (7.5% Alc vol). Heaps of lacing down the glass here which we like seeing. It’s a nice balanced beer which is not too heavy bodied so you could have a few. Dry and crisp, hoppy and flavoursome. Nothing really special but good enough. Another nice addition for the Goat army.