4 pines citrus IPA


image“Packed with 100% fresh Southern Hemisphere hops – Ella, Enigma, Galaxy and Riwaka. Intensely hopped it delivers strong pineapple and tropical aromas, overlayed on a balanced malty palate, with a tight bitter finish.”

This is the new small batch release, following in the footsteps of the Keller beer. It’s a citrus IPA that uses actual grapefruit, blood orange and lime fruit to enhance the qualities of the hops. Yummo. Pours out a lovely hazy orange/copper with plenty of initial foamy bubble in the 10mm head that fades quickly. Typical aromas of caramel malt, citrus fruit especially grapefruit. Mouthfeel is moderate to full with big bitterness on the palate. Quite puckering in the mouth this one, and grapefruit and lime definately show up. We notice here the IBU is 60. We wouldn’t disagree that’s for sure. There is a warming in the belly from the 7% alc vol but it is not overpowering. There is mild to moderate carbonation in the mouth here, and overall a rather smooth drop as the malt combines with the fruit and hops. There is minimal lacing down the glass here. We think this is decent effort and we like the addition of actual citrus fruit. It’s well balanced. Would buy again.