“Behold, our mightiest Belgian style Ale to date: De Quad(rupel). This huge ale pours bronze hazelnut with a creamy head. With ample dark toffee, malt sweetness and brown sugar flavours at the beginning this ale develops with quadruple malts and slight hop bitterness to finish. The De Quad has a relatively light body compared to its mighty alcoholic strength.”

Glassware: Trappist goblet.
Appearance: Gorgeous mahogany pour with a thumb of finely beaded khaki foam perched on top. Excellent retention and a cascading lace flows down the side of the glass.
Aroma: We’ve been pretty impressed with the quality of beers coming out of this brewery. They clearly have a knack for trad European styles and this Quad is no exception. Hitting those rich, super sweet fruit cake and rum & raisin notes while also providing strong yeast esters, candi sugars and toffee/treacle. Other more subtle and complex notes of gingerbread, cola, floral hops, plum jam, spice and dark rye bread.
Flavour: It’s usually here where most non-Belgian breweries falter but to their credit they’ve done quite well. The key is the balance…they’ve managed the ultra rich and sweet malt and layered it quite neatly over the spice and fruity esters, candi sugars and floral hops. Just a lick of booze warmth developing late which helps to set up the very well balanced finish.
Mouthfeel: Smooth, silky, inoffensive, which is a feat considering the 9.3% ABV. Medium body, low-ish Co2. Very impressive.
Overall: These guys are going from strength to strength. This is our 3rd crack at them now and we’ve been more than content with every one of them. Kudos 2 Halfs, keep em comin!